Powering Down: The Importance of Getting Enough Sleep
Is your child getting enough sleep? We are phasing out of the days where kids run around all day and play outside until the street lights come on. In today’s world, a lot of kids are entertaining themselves in a new way and it may be affecting their sleep. About 75% of elementary and middle school children have access to some type of electronic device in their bedroom. The extra stimulation, light and sound can make it harder for children to relax and get enough sleep.
The solution?
Try to limit screen time at night and at least 1 hour before bedtime. Instead, try unplugged activities like reading, games, exercise or quiet time. Keep in mind, adults should lead by example in this department and use the time as quality time with family.
Lack of sleep can lead to decreased concentration in school, a weakened immune system, increased risk for obesity and moodiness. Kids ages 5 to 12 should be getting at least 10 to 11 hours of sleep. So, let’s power down at night so we can power up in the morning for a successful day!